I can't quite believe it's mid-February already; Valentine's Day is already upon us! A lot seems to have happened since I last put a post together. Even the briefer social media comments have been in short supply over this time. So I think it's about time we had a catch-up. Grab a cuppa and have a read.
Library Book Launch

Remember that library launch I did in November? I arrived at the venue, a local museum, full of nerves and trepidation, wondering what on earth I was doing there. I registered with the welcoming officials and turned to scan the room. What greeted me quietened the butterflies and caused me to chuckle at how well God knows his children. The giant model of a hippo was all I needed! It was a humbling experience to share the platform with eight other authors as we introduced ourselves and our books to the audience of city librarians, all eager to stock our stories on their shelves. We read extracts, we answered questions, we were given lunch. It was a real honour to have been included. And do you know something I found out? Durban is the first African city to be named a UNESCO City of Literature. Isn't that great? You can read more about that here.

12 Poems
I'm delighted to say I completed each one of the twelve monthly poetry challenges set by the on-line community that I belong to. I even received a congratulatory badge.
All twelve are available for you to read at https://12poems.wordpress.com/
Pop-Up Shop
While my folks were staying, a couple of friends and I hosted a small pop-up shop for local craftspeople. It was a scorching hot day, one of those where you need to hunt for shade. I had the 'The Outskirts of His Glory' on show, while others brought jewelry, sportswear, food, and stationery. I didn't have great sales myself but it was a fun experience which we may will repeat sometime in the future.
New Feature - Friends
Since publishing 'The Outskirts of His Glory' in May 2019, I've met and been encouraged by so many different people, both face to face and in cyberspace. I've connected with radio presenters, artists, musicians, and other authors, all of whom have inspired and encouraged me on my present journey. And because they've meant so much to me, I thought it would be a great idea to introduce them to you too.
And so the 'Friends' addition to my website was born. Each month I'll introduce a new friend for you to discover and get to know.
I trust you will enjoy meeting them as much as I have!
First up for February - Dyane Forde.
Click on the image to meet this amazing author, editor, creative and encourager.
So that's a bit of a round-up of the last few weeks of me! In between everything else, my parents came to visit and we did tours of the nearby battlefield sites, as well as an overnight stay in our own private game lodge (including personal chef and game ranger). After they returned to the UK we had a wonderful week or so away as a family, camping at our favourite spot, Midmar Dam. Then it was Christmas, New Year and Leal's birthday.
I'll just leave you with this one thought. Or word, to be more accurate...
One Word
At the start of each year, I set aside some time to seek God and hear what is on his mind for the upcoming season. There are many ways that we can do this, but I (together with the rest of the family in fact) always like to go with One Word; to find just one word that will provide a hook upon which everything throughout the year can be hung. I can ask myself 'Should I get involved with this one project?'. And my answer would be 'Does it fit with my one word, or would it be contrary to it?'
You get the idea? It's super easy, flexible and fun to reflect on throughout the course of the year.
So my one word for 2020?

Why not spend a little time with God today, and see what his One Word for you, for 2020 is?