A wagon-trail romance with a South African twist…
Enjoy a Wagon-trail romance with a South African twist! Inspired by the 'kaalvoutvrou' monument, found along a dusty farm track, discover if the 'bare foot wife' ever returned across the Drakensberg Mountain range in South Africa as she threatened.
From the back cover

Maria Steyn’s life is characterised by goodbyes. From the dim recollection of long-dead parents to the farewells from an established life in the Cape Colony of South Africa, she has learnt to live with loss and sadness.
Joining the voortrekkers in their search for freedom and a land of their own, Maria embarks on a journey inland. But disagreements soon arise, breaking relationships and, once again, Maria’s heart suffers loss.
When the dust settles after this final wagon trek, will Maria find the stability she longs for? Could her reunion with Field-Cornet Christiaan Venter, hero of the Battle of Blood River, signal a new beginning? Or, is she destined for a life of upheaval and tragedy?
Enjoy a sneak peek...
Read the opening chapters of Maria in fun, flipbook format. Turn the cover by clicking below.